A Q&A with CCHS 2019-2020 New Teachers

Today we meet one of our 22 new teachers that have landed teaching jobs at Cesar Chavez High School for the 2019-20 school year.

The first new teacher we sat down with and got to know is, Mr. Hall, our new replacement for long time video instructor Mr. Wilson. 

Who: Mr.Halls ( video production)

Q: What made you decide to work at Cesar Chavez?? 

A: I talked to all school districts for a video job and decided to work here because there’s plenty of school activities to record. Such as dance, band, football games, basketball games, and more.

Q: Since school started, how do you like it? 

A: I LOVE IT !!! 

Q: What subject do you teach and why did you decide to teach it? 

A: I teach Digital video because I want to give kids a voice. Everybody has a story. I’m just letting them express it.

Q: Before you started teaching at Chavez what was your old job like?

A: I worked at the SUSD to teach the teachers how to use technology.

Q: How did you feel about the staff at Cesar Chavez?

A:  The staff seems very nice and friendly.