CSU and UC Applications Due

The school year is almost half over already and days continue to pass by quickly. The class of 2020 is getting prepared to graduate and move onto life after high school which for a lot of students means going off to college. However, before that can happen students need to apply to their colleges of choice and hope. Students need to be aware that important dates for certain universities are coming up including the due date for applications. November 30, 2019 is the official due date to turn in applications for California State University and University of California. Don’t wait until last minute to get this done because it will take some time to get everything together and fill everything out; sometimes weeks.
Applying to college may bring some worries and concerns financially for some students. FAFSA is a great opportunity provided to get financial aid for all full-time students. It helps you afford full-time enrollment so you can graduate and begin your career sooner. In order to be eligible you have to enroll full-time (12+ units per semester), apply for financial aid, and then wait to be awarded awarded grants, loans, or scholarships. In order to stay eligible for this FAFSA you will need to maintain satisfactory academic performance including a 2.0 GPA or higher.
Every year applications are available after October 1st. All you have to do is complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, wait for your financial aid office to determine if you are eligible, and then you will automatically be rewarded a form of financial aid. Don’t miss the deadline that is just over a week away.