Winter Sports Senior Night
Senior Night for the boys/girls soccer, wrestling, & basketball have recently taken place. All the seniors that participated in winter sports were honored and presented in their last game giving them the spot light, although it was a bitter sweet moment… its finally the end. Reaching the end of a journey knowing that everything they worked for paid off.
Over the past week the Cesar Chavez athletics has celebrated its seniors during its winter sports and this is their way of getting thanked for all their hard work, love, and dedication to the game. We take look at senior night through the eyes of the athletes. Seniors from Wrestling, Soccer, and Basketball all share with us their thoughts as their high school playing career comes to an end.
Elisa Acevedo, girls soccer senior :
” I am excited about this moment because I’ve been waiting for it since I began playing soccer but I cant help being upset because its my last game with a group of girls that became my family. A very emotional moment, but I’m indeed happy and grateful for the support given to me from my family.”
Luis “Danny” Delgado, boys soccer senior :
“Coming on as a freshman on varsity I was able to see what a senior night meant to my teammates up close. I hoped that one day that would be me, walking down the field to my friends and family. Our senior year wasn’t the best, but having a senior night would have been something that would’ve made the season worth playing. The nostalgia hitting, being surrounded by the players we grew with for four years and all realizing that it was really about to be over, but sadly we didn’t get any of that. All we got was excuses. How it wasn’t necessary, how it was a distraction, how our AD wasn’t supporting us and how if anything we could have one after the game. At the end of the day that was all they were because we didn’t get anything. We lost the game and we went home thinking “man this year was really for nothing.” Who is really to blame at the end of the day? I really don’t know and at this point it really doesn’t matter. I just wanted a senior night and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.”
Lorna Sok, girls basketball senior :
“It finally hit me that I’m a senior and its my last year, it was a roller coaster if emotions because it was my last game in high school leaving the girls that I played with became family and its going to be hard to leave them, but I will forever be grateful that I had their support along with my coaches’ and family’s support… for everyone that not only taught me how to play the sport but also a game called life.”
Terrell Forks, boys basketball senior :
“Senior night was exciting. I was happy that a bunch of people came out and supported the seniors. Senior night honestly moved my spirit that night. I feel like senior night brought the seniors closer.”
Khyre Dumont, boys wrestling senior :
” I wasn’t too upset by not having a senior night in wrestling. We had one for football, so I got experience one already.”