In these times, while thousands of students are doing online distance learning, there are many in need of hotspots or simply any access to the internet. Those students in need will greatly benefit from these hotspots, it will help their education and everyday learning.
Thankfully SUSD district has ordered a WiFi- enabled hotspot for every SUSD household to make sure of students participating in distance learning, finally there is enough for all students.
In order to pick up a new hotspot, students will have to get one from their home school. If you attend or know anyone who goes to a different school they will need to pick up theirs from that school. Also staff and staff family members can get a hotspot from the district. The hotspots have unlimited data, so you will never run out on minutes or data and you will always be set.

If youa re a student at Chavez and need to get one all you have to do is go into the main office at Chavez between the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, and a parent or guardian over the age of 18 will need to pick it up and sign a contract. If you have one of more students or siblings in the district the hotspot will be given out to the oldest child, and they will pick it up when it is ready at the school they attend.
So far about 172 hot spots have been given out, with about 100 more students on a list that have not picked them up yet. With that being said, if you are in need of internet access by all means do not hesitate to come by and pick up a hotspot there are plenty for everyone in need.