Moment in the Spotlight: Thuyen Tran

Truyen Tran is a highly energetic teacher from the math department and has been spreading good vibes across Cesar Chavez High school’s campus for four years. Ms. Tran originally moved to Stockton at ten years old. She started school at Clairmont Elementary and then attended middle school at Morado Middle. Tran also graduated from high school at Mcnair High. For college, Ms. Tran attended Dartmouth college and received her bachelor’s degree. Ms. Tran also received a master’s Degree from the esteemed university of John Hopkins. At Chavez teachers represent colleges and she chose to represent Dartmouth. Ms. Tran really enjoyed reading throughout her high school years and it was one of her favorite hobbies. The best advice she received was: “Love yourself first and foremost.” If Ms. Tran was in a zombie apocalypse and could bring three people with her, she wouldn’t bring anybody, she would just go down in peace. We are proud to have Thuyen Tran as a part of our Titian Family!