Do you ever need an escape ? A way to get away from all the bad thoughts consuming your mind? Have you ever been overwhelmed or peer pressured to do things you know you are not supposed to do? Well you just might be in the right place. Friday night lights is a club where kids can come together to get away from all the drugs and bad influence in today’s society. FNL was created to provide a safe environment for kids who are surrounded by all the bad influence. At FNL you are able to get a second chance at life, you can give your life meaning, you can choose your own path. You will be provided with full support from club members and most of all, you will be understood. FNL benefits not only our school but it can help change our community, we promote being drug free so that it can give you a better chance at life. All our fundraisers are funded by the San Joaquin County. For a life changing experience, join us on Fridays after school in the library.
Erika Torres is a Junior at CCHS.