Everyone likes music, what’s your favorite choice in music?

Students love music

Music plays a big part in everyones life. People listen to music while they’re in the shower, while they’re in the car on  their way to work, while working out at the gym, and for all types of activities. Not everyone has the same choice in music. Some people preffer hip hop others like pop, and others country, rock etc.

Seventy-five percent of people at Cesar Chavez High School said they preffered R&B & HipHop overall music choices. “I enjoy HipHop because it often relates to whatever you’re going through,”  said Alisia Coronado.

Six percent of the students voted for pop as their favorite genre music. “I love Pop because it’s fun music.” Giselle Menchaca said, “It makes me feel happy and confident and for a second I forget about everything around me.”

Six percent students said rock was their favorite. Adrion Taylor said, “I like Rock because it’s different, the beat is entertaining, I really like The Romantic Tragedy.”

R&B & HipHop got the most votes, next came Pop, Country, Reggae, and Rock which all scored six percent. Overall, all students agreed that they love music and listen to it on a regular basis.