Cynthia Zaragoza, Reporter

An all American show called “Bewitched” was broadcast in 1964 and although the last aired show was in 1972 it seems to have a lot of ways teens today can relate with some problems they have for example jealousy. This show is about a witch who marries a normal human and tells him she is a witch and together try to work things out and make the marriage work. I think this show is really interesting and humorous because not only is there magical problems there is jealousy problems as well which are handled in funny magical ways.
The main characters Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) the witch and Darrin (Dick York) the human are a married couple who are trying to have a normal marriage even though it’s not. Samantha tries to not use her magical powers to do things around the house and Darrin tries to adapt to the fact that he is married to a witch. The minor characters Sheila (name not found) and Samantha’s mother(Agnes Moorhead) are people in the show who give Samantha a hard time but both for different reasons. Sheila gives Samantha a hard time because she is married to Sheila’s ex boyfriend Darrin and although Sheila gets everything she wants she doesn’t have Darrin which is what she really wanted. Samantha’s mom gives her a hard time because she never wanted Samantha to leave the house nor did she want her to fall in love with a human.
In the first episode there seems to be a very interesting introduction it shows Samantha and Darrin as a married couple and jumps straight into the climax leaving people wondering how and if their marriage will work with all the disapprovals the mother has and the jealousy the ex girlfriend has as well. In fact, one of the humorous parts in the first episode is when Darrin and Samantha are invited to a dinner at Sheila’s house where she tries to make Samantha jealous all night by flirting with Darrin and bringing up old memories they had together but Samantha gets back at her by using magic, she messes up her hair, puts things on her teeth, and even adds wind to mess up her hair. I recommend “Bewitched” to teens because even though they are adults they have many similarities with teenagers like the jealousy, the creative mind, boyfriend problems, and most importantly a non understanding mother.