The Jelly Bean Challenge

Basic knowledge:

Have you ever been scared to eat Jelly Beans due to the fact that basically you can get any flavor you can think of in one bag.Well do not be sacred anymore because there is a new bag of jelly Beans that is filled with amazing tasting jelly beans except for the liquorice one. This amazing bag is called “Gourmet Jelly Beans ” sold exclusively at Trader Joe’s.

The bag comes with 18 different types of flavors ranging from tasty to disgusting (liquorice). There were 4 different flavors tested : Apple, Strawberry Smoothie, Raspberry, Liquorice .



The apple one was delicious it had that perfect apple taste. It also smelled like a freshly picked apple in the summer. Its color was also was a nice shade of green .

Strawberry Smoothie:

This jelly bean looks like a pebble with a slight shade of pink with red dots. It tasted more like a Strawberry Banana smoothie with a slight banana aftertaste. It also has a very tropical smell to it.


The raspberry one was a favorite. It had a dark purple color to it. Taste wise it was a bit bitter but tasteful. Its smell was like a raspberry .


This jelly bean was the worst out of all of them the flavor was not that great. Also why would they include  this flavor it has nothing to do with the packaging all the other flavors had a tropical taste and liquorice is not tropical.