“Winter is Coming,” Along with your chance to watch Game of Thrones
Start of the Thrones
Wars over power, family name, vengeance, and the chance to sit upon the ultimate “Iron Throne” and rule seven kingdoms keep viewers on the edge of their seats while watching the HBO series Game of Thrones. As the series takes place, several nobles, knights, and lords fight wars in an open rebellion to win their rightful place as ruler of all kingdoms in the land of Westeros. In the midst of the upcoming sixth season full of suspense in war and death, it’s no wonder why this HBO series has won over five Emmy Awards, more than a dozen nominations, and has grabbed the attention of millions of people around the world since April of 2011. With an awaiting 50 episodes, there is no better thing to do during your winter break than to snuggle up in bed and watch as the thrilling fight for glory develops.
Main Characters
The ambitious Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, is motivated to win the Iron Throne by her belief she is the rightful heir. Daenerys, also known as Khaleesi, fights her way throughout the seasons and outsmarts even the most powerful men, earning the name of Mhysa. Taking a stand for her is Eddard Stark, played by Sean Bean. Ed Stark is always driven by the need to do what is right, even though it may not always be the best choice. He is known for his warning line “Winter is Coming,” which signifies the start of dark and war. Lena Heady plays Cersi Lannister, the ambitious Queen who will do whatever it takes to maintain her power. King Joffery, played by Jack Gleeson, is one of the most hated kings of all time. Being a king as a mere teenager, he is used to throwing fits of rage when he doesn’t get his way… along with heads on spikes.
Supporting Characters
With too many plots, schemes, and people claiming to be kings, the supporting characters play a big part in the series. Among them is Jon Snow, played by Kit Harington, also known as the bastard son of Ed Stark. Being a little uncertain about himself at first, his potential begins to show when he slowly makes his way to Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. His brother Robb Stark, played by Richard Madden fights for the people of Winterfell. His bravery and leadership in war earns him the name of Young Wolf and King of the North. Meanwhile, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau plays Jamie Lannister, the knight from a wealthy family who is known as The King Slayer after he killed the king he swore to protect. Throughout the series it is rumored that he is the real father of the queen, his sister’s, children; a rumor that initializes the war of the seven kingdoms.
Season 1 Episode 7: You Win or You Die
This episode of “You Win or You Die” is where the story line takes off as the beginning of the “game” of who will win the spot on the iron throne. After King Robert dies, he leaves a letter for Ed Stark to give to his son, Joffrey, who is to become the new king. The letter requires Stark to make a tough decision, as it states that the prince cannot claim the throne. Choosing to do the right thing, Stark reads the letter to newly appointed King Joffrey. Ignoring the deceased king’s orders, Queen Cersi rips the letter, and King Joffrey declares Stark’s claim as an act of treason. He then sentences him to death. Upon hearing of Ed Stark’s death sentence, his son Robb Stark declares war to the new king, and earns his title as the king of the north. Rumors begin that Joffrey is not Robert’s son and slowly other lords from the seven kingdoms also begin to form armies to fight for their “stronger claim” to the throne. Suddenly, there is not just one king, King Joffrey, but multiple, all declaring war in Westeros. Slowly, King Baratheon, King Renley, King Robb, Queen Daenarys and many more emerge in what becomes a Game of Thrones.
What Stands Out
Game of Thrones is not like the typical stories of the hero overcoming all. Unlike other shows about mythical lands, it is valid to expect an unexpected twist of events. It is wise to not become too attached to a character, even a main character, because even if it seems that they’re protected by the typical Hollywood story line and will surpass all, that is not always true. Even the main characters face tragic and unexpected deaths. This game of thrones leaves no room for exceptions. You win or you die. There is simply no in between.

Why You Should Watch
This series’ concept that all men must die regardless of their blood lines has kept millions of people watching. The reality of it keeps viewers interested as they never know what can happen. The show is based off a yet unfinished series of books (A Song of Ice and Fire) that has sold over 60million copies world wide and has been translated into over 45 languages. So with that being said, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on the series that has captured the world’s attention!