Mama’s Cooking is Best

Spaghetti with a Twist

It is original. It is spaghetti with a twist.



There is no place like home especially when your mom is cooking. Spaghetti is a great dish that can be quick and upscale. When made in the kitchen it can give it an authentic Italian feel.


The recipe for this spaghetti dish came to be when Nomica Cruse and Sandrew Roberts Jr. first began dating. Sandrew took Nomica to his mother’s house where Rosalind,the mother, prepared spaghetti. Nomica greeted Rosalind in the kitchen where she observed Rosalind putting honey barbecue sauce in the spaghetti sauce.The food was delicious and Nomica took that recipe with her. As time progressed Nomica added her own ideas to the recipe to what it is now.

The Main Course

The spaghetti is served fresh off the stove. You can still see the smoke rising off the plate. The smell of basil and freshly grated parmesan fills the air as you can watch it melt into the sauce. The Hillshire Farm sausages, ground beef, and bell peppers are mixed into the sauce that is poured over top of rotini noodles. You can taste the tomato sauce and sweet honey BBQ sauce combined as it gives the ordinary tomato sauce a slight edge.

The Side Dish

Salad is presented alongside the spaghetti. Crisped lettuce, shredded carrots, cheddar cheese, freshly sliced cucumbers, and tomatoes are the ingredients that make up this healthy and organic salad. Your choose of thousand island, ranch, and or vinaigrette can be drizzled over it for added taste.

The Service

The spaghetti was served on a dinner plate. Three-fourths of the plate was full with the main dish, spaghetti, and the other one-fourth had the salad. The condiments such as extra cheese, ranch dressing, thousand island, vinaigrette, and seasoning were set on the counter for convenience. Since this is a home cooked meal there was no booths, waiters, fees, or other people. However the eating area was in the dinning room. Nomica came in with the plates and set them down in front of each person. Next to the plate was a fork and spoon. She was not rude nor did she have an attitude. She served it in good spirits.

The Review

Overall the food was delicious and should definitely be tried. The twist on the original Italian dish, spaghetti, gave the food a new taste. This recipe is one for the books.