Mulan to Premier on Disney Plus
~Will Cost an Extra Half a Year’s Subscription to Watch~

Whenever a new movie would come out, we would all go to a nearby theatre to enjoy the experience of overpriced popcorn and children screaming during the good parts of the movie. Movie releases have since come to a halt once COVID 19 struck and shut everything down. One movie, in particular, that has been affected by the pandemic is the new Disney live-action film Mulan.

The live-action film is the adaptation of the Disney animated film that hit theaters in 1998. This one, however, will be more similar to the Chinese folklore, The Ballad of Mulan. This means no Mushu, no Shang, and no lucky cricket. Disney + was launched on Nov 12, 2019, and this got people thinking that Disney would just put the movie in there for all subscribers to watch, but boy were we all wrong.
Disney has since come out to say that we could watch the upcoming film for an additional $30 even though subscribers already pay $70 a year for Disney +. Once you pay that fee, then you can watch it as many times to your heart’s content. Many fans have stated their opinions on why they weren’t going to buy the film. A lot of them were disappointed that their beloved film was going to be completely different from the animated movie, and others say they aren’t going to support the film because of the lead actress’s political views.
One things for sure. Either we will see Dinsey+ pave the way with a new style of movie release or they will be left behind by other streaming giants that release new movies, never before seen, to their subscribers at no additional cost.