SacAnime is a pop culture and anime-themed convention held at Cal Expo in Sacramento. The event started on September 3rd, a Friday, and lasted the entire weekend. I had never been to a convention before and I was fortunate enough to attend the convention on the 4th with my siblings.
We arrived at the convention at around 10 o’clock in the morning. The first thing we had to do when we got there was get our wristbands. It didn’t take very long, one of the staff members gave us our wristbands right away because we ordered our tickets online, but waiting to get inside the convention definitely took some patience. The line to get in was massive and we had to walk all the way to the back. The line was going faster than I thought because getting inside the venue took us less time than actually trying to get in line.
Once we got inside, we explored the venue and looked for things that interested us. We saw pokemon cards being sold, pocket knives, swords, artwork, clothes, and even old Nintendo 64 games. I did get a couple of things, a Gundam set that I have to manually build, a keychain, a figure, and a hoodie that my cousin had bought for me.
There were plenty of other things I was interested in buying, but everything was more expensive than normal. The keychain I had bought cost 12 dollars, and when I opened the box, it wasn’t even the keychain that was shown on the front! I’m guessing that it gave me a random character, but I didn’t know that because it had Japanese writing on it. There was also an exhibit that was selling the same figure that I bought but for 5 dollars more than what I had bought mine for.
After walking for almost 2 hours, we finally decided to call it quits. There were a lot of cool and random cosplays and the exhibits were fun to explore. My favorite cosplay was definitely this guy with a banana costume on. I, unfortunately, couldn’t get a picture with him, but it was pretty funny how relaxed and chill he looked. For my first time going to a convention, SacAnime was pretty fun, even though my legs started to give up on me for walking so long.