“The Breakfast Club” directed by John Hughes is a famous movie released in 1985. It tells the story of five high school students who have to spend a Saturday together in detention because they misbehaved. Even though they are all different in many ways, they learn a lot about themselves and each other.
The movie starts with five students who don’t get along at all and talk smack to each other and argue. There’s Brain the smart one and Andrew the “athletic football player” and Allison the “strange one” and Claire the “popular girl” also Bender the “attention seeker criminal”. They all have to spend a whole day in the school library to serve detention under the watch of the strict principal.
At first, the students are not happy to be stuck together. They argue and don’t want to talk to each other at all. But as the day goes on they start to share their stories and nicely talk to each other. Brain talks about how much pressure he feels to get good grades. Andrew reveals that his dad always pushes him to be the best in sports and stresses him out. Claire admits that she feels a lot of pressure to be popular. Allison shares that she feels very lonely. Bender tells the others about the problems he has going on at home.
Throughout these stories, the students realize they have more in common than they thought. They see that everyone has their struggles even if they seem to be very different on the outside. They begin to understand and support each other.
One of the most famous parts of the movie is when they all dance together in the library. This shows that they are starting to have fun let go of their differences and have fun together. Another moment is the song “Don’t You Forget About Me” which plays throughout the movie’s famous ending. It has a symbol of the movie and its message that shows how they all connected and came together from not talking to each other at all.
“The Breakfast Club” is important because it talks about the challenges of being a teenager. It shows that everyone has their problems and that it’s important to be kind and understanding what people go through. Even though the movie is almost 40 years old, its message is touching and still popular today. It reminds us that no matter how different we may seem we all have something in common or something we are going through.
In conclusion “The Breakfast Club” is a timeless classic movie that teaches valuable lessons about friendship, understanding, and not judging people. It’s a film that continues to show how we can all be friends and understand each other without judging. It is a perfect classic movie for audiences of all ages that shows valuable lessons relevant today.