First off I lied… It’s not going to be 10 things you didn’t know about me, but instead, it’s going to be 15 things you didn’t know about me. There are a few things most people don’t know about me, and this is a way to easily show those things.
Number 1: Like most people I love animals, and like probably like everyone else, it started at a very young age. But, I loved animals so much that I wanted to be a Veterinarian for the longest time. Now I want to be a Mechanical Engineer.
Number 2: Ever since I can remember I knew I loved the sport of basketball. My dad started teaching me when I was about three and continued to teach me as my coach all through Elementary with some close friends.
Number 3: Only recently have I found a new joy of riding bikes. I would ride bikes around the neighborhood with some friends, but we never really went exploring the city as much as I do now. Something about being able to ride around town with the wind in your face just makes it so calm and exciting at the same time.
Number 4: It’s been a family tradition to go camping every fourth of July ever since I was born. We’ve only missed a few years, but it’s still quite a few since I am 17 years old. Going camping relieves you of most technology, but all internet. And my favorite thing to do whilst camping is hiking. (Which is my next topic).
Number 5: You guessed it, hiking. Hiking is probably my second favorite thing to do as of right now, (backpacking is my favorite, which is essentially the same thing). When I’m hiking it’s similar to biking, but instead of exploring the city I live in, I’m exploring the beauty of Mother Nature.
Number 6: Gaming. Gaming has always been a big part of my life as I watched my older brothers play (26 and 27), till now, playing casually with some friends. Not to long ago I was competing in online competitions playing Call of Duty. I won a few hundred dollars over the span of a yearly game, but I decided to ‘retire’ for the new release and focus more on not being a total nerd.
Number 7: It was my friends 13th birthday party and he was having it at a paintball place. I was jumping off hills and I landed on my hip wrong. At first I thought it was just bruised and will go away. Well, I was right… kind of. It was bruised but won’t go away till I stop growing.
Number 8: My two favorite subjects in school are Math and Science. I’ve always had a fancy for these two subjects and that’s why I want my career to be based off these two subjects. I like Math because it’s all logical and makes sense. Science is just so cool, it explains why things do what they do and just intrigues me.
Number 9: Movies are probably my favorite past time thing to do apart from gaming. Watching movies is so relaxing and entertaining. Anyone can do it too!
Number 10: Although Math and Science are my favorite subjects I have a disliked subject, and that subject is English. English is the complete opposite to Math and Science and that’s why I dislike it. I’ve never been good at it, that’s probably why I don’t like it.
Number 11: At first I was terrified of the thought of riding a roller coaster, the big ones of course, but once I said YOLO I’ve fell in love with riding roller coasters.
Number 12: I’m a big Samsung guy. I own a Samsung phone, Samsung earphones and a Samsung watch. Samsung is just a great company in my opinion.
Number 13: I’ve only went surfing a few times but I really enjoy it. I’m still not any good at it, but that’s the fun of it to me. Slowly getting better is an accomplishment and what makes it fun.
Number 14: Technology is like another language for me. I’ve always known how to work with electronics/technology and I enjoy working with them.
Number 15: My top three favorite T.V. shows are “Chuck”, “Psych” and “Prison Break.”