Chavez Wednesday, Everyone Test Day

Every student on campus will be testing on Wednesday October 19.

SAT School Day: On Wednesday, October 16, Chavez will be testing campus wide.  Students will be grouped by grade level and every staff member will be participating. The district is providing every senior the opportunity to take the SAT for free.  There will be NO bell schedule for the day.
  •  Freshmen will be taking a practice PSAT online
  •  The sophomores will take the PSAT/NMSQT 
  •  Juniors will take an SBAC Interim test online 
  •  Seniors will take the SAT
  •  Testing schedules for all 4 grade levels appears at top of Google Spreadsheet for that grade level
  •  Freshmen and Juniors have same lunch 11:00-11:30
  •  After lunch, Freshmen return to testing room until 1:10
  •  Seniors and Sophomores have lunch at 12:40-1:10
  •  ALL students go to Period 4 from 1:15-2:13
  •  Each grade level will have short breaks scheduled 
          Things you need to know:
  • Google spreadsheet will be shared on 9/25, showing the modified schedules for each grade level at the top
  • The spreadsheet shows assigned testing rooms, staff Proctors, Prep time/relief staff 
  • During Prep relief time, avoid going to your classroom; make other arrangements
  • Hall Monitors are required for PSAT and SAT Buildings. 
  • Proctors for the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT have required training: Sept. 30th on Prep (paid)
  • Training will consist of viewing an instructional video, (w/Q &A), reviewing a handout of essential information (Testing Day Expectations) and signing a Testing Security Form.
  • Proctors will receive a Testing Script to review/practice prior to administration of test
  • Hall Monitors will need to attend a very short meeting on October 3 at 12:00 to sign Testing Security Form
PLEASE note….every single staff member has an assignment on SAT School Day (10/16) and it is critical that everyone is ready to start at 7:16 promptly. 
In the event of a Fire Drill/Evacuation-follow evacuation route for that particular room-in the Red Folder.  SAT/PSAT Testing rooms-leave test materials closed on desks and phones in backpacks.