Will There Still be a Yearbook This Year?

Chavez students and community are all wondering if we will be yearbook in this distance learning year that we are going through. And to anser that question, the yearbook advisor, Mr. Cox had this to say, “There will be a yearbook this year, even though we are in distant learning. This year’s book is going to be different then the ones from past years however.”
Our CCHS yearbook staff is working hard to make this year’s book creative and entertaining, making this yearbook very memorable and enjoyable to read, even in the year 2020.
In previous years we had our four sections working on different parts of the yearbook. The yearbook’s four sections are: Athletics, Student life, Academics, and Class Spreads. Each group takes pictures and then adds them to their spreads by combining them with interviews from people across campus.
Athletics work on anything sport related. Student Life works on events that happen at school. Academics work on classes in schools. Class spreads are a little bit different compared to the others; they organize all the portraits from staff to seniors pictures. However, this year the yearbook will be made differently due to distance learning and Pandemic times.
This is where you the Chavez Community comes in. Teachers, staff, and students will be taking a lot of the pictures and submitting them. The pictures will be taken from Zoom calls, Google Meets, at home, and throughout the community of you doing your distance learning, as well as living through quarantine times.
The way to send pictures is: “https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job/12480”. It will be very helpful if you send us pictures to create the yearbook.