No More M1 for Cesar Chavez Students

Since Cesar Chavez High School started all students knew that M1 was the In School Suspension classroom. However, the 2014-2015 school year started with the shocking news that there will no longer be an M1.

There will no longer be In School Suspension, instead there will be an Intervention Center located in G107.

The location was changed due to the fact that Mr. Nelson wanted a new start and a new feel of classrooms.

“We want students working, not getting punished,” said Nelson.

This decision was made by our very own principal Mr. Nelson along with the school district, and our school counselors. Mr. Nelson did his own research to correct students behaviors. His results were quiet surprising.

He found out that punishing students would not fix any behavior problems. However, now in the new Intervention Center students will be addressing their problems with councselor, and taking responsibility for their actions.

After addressing their problems and resolving any conflicts students will be sent back to class to try again.

When Mr. Nelson was asked why he started the Intervention Center, instead of keeping In School Suspension he said, “We are trying to reach a goal of remaining the school with the lowest suspension rates, but most of all we want to have successful students.”

“We can not educate students if they are not in school,” said Nelson.