Arrival to Slumber Party Turns Into a Tragedy

State Route 258, the site of four teens being struck and killed by a vehicle.

A group of teens were struck by a moving vehicle on Saturday night, August 25, in Cortland, Indiana. The teenagers were on their way to a slumber party when the host of the party’s Chevy Suburban broke down. The driver of the vehicle was Cara Selby, one of the teens mother and host of the Slumber party. When the group of teenagers got out to assist in pushing the car back home, a vehicle came from behind and struck the teens. The teens were taken to Methodist Hospital but sadly, four of the teens did not make it. Four others were injured, including Selby’s daughter. Thoughts go out to Nevaeh Law, and Jenna A. Helton, who were both 14; Brittany Watson, age 15; and Martin Martinez, age 16.

The four teens attended Seymour High School. Dozens of people gathered for a vigil that was held Sunday night to remember the teens who were killed. Many showed empathy by launching balloons and lighting candles. “Mine walked out the door Saturday and will never be coming home to me,” mother of Nevaeh Law, told the people of the gathering. The investigation is still ongoing and it is unknown whether the driver of the vehicle that crashed into the teens has been charged.