At Cesar Chavez High School seniors that have a lunch pass are allowed to leave campus to get their food at nearby places. Students can go anywhere they please during the 30 minutes for lunch, but the must remember to not be tardy or they will lose the privilege of off campus eating. Over here by Chavez we have many options students could go to that are less than 5 minutes away.
Just down the street from Cesar Chavez High restaurants begin lining the streets. There are Wendy’s, KFC, Taco Trucks, Subway, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Best Sandwiches & Smoothies, and Tacos Chapala. If you have a car or a friend with a car then you could go to any of these places in 30 minutes or less for lunch. All these places are only a little bit of money to eat also. For example, you could go to Wendy’s and get a whole meal for only $4 (4 for 4 ). Another example is you could go to the taco truck and get a burrito supreme for only $5.
Eating at each of these local restaurants would allow a CCHS student to get cheap food quickly. Lunch at any of the restaurants will not take long to make food and lines are not long allowing students to make it back before the bell rings for their next class. All these places are open during A lunch and B lunch so either way you would be able to go ( if you have a car ).
If you are a senior with a lunch pass you can go ahead and visit any of these local restaurants at lunch and enjoy a good meal, but remember to check that you have the correct term lunch pass.