Your last year of high school. You’re graduating from high school and moving forward to adulthood. You’ve made many memories during the years of high school and made many friends. You obtained many achievements but, YOU, YOU are left out of the senior portrait because you weren’t “properly dressed.” That would just suck. Unfortunately, Lincoln High School has left out TWO of their seniors because they weren’t following the “dress code.”
Crystal Cumplido and Mari Champagne were not included in Lincoln’s yearbook due to their attire. According to Lincoln High School, for senior portraits, boys must wear a suit or a tux and girls must wear a black dress. However, these two students wore tuxes which were against the dress code and ended up being excluded from the yearbook. Not only was their photos removed, but their achievements were no where to be found. As a matter of fact, they were not mentioned in the yearbook at all. It’s just like Cumplido said, “Its’s like I never existed at Lincoln.”
It is wrong in all ways to not include anyone in the year book because of the way they dress. It seems like common sense but mistakes are bound to happen. I’ts definitely tragic to see not one student, but TWO students left out of Lincoln’s yearbook especially when they’re both seniors and graduating. Senior portraits may seem like a little issue, but it means a lot to the student. It signifies that they have made it through four rough years discovering new things, making new friends, and making memories. They have jumped the last hurdle and crossed the finish line. To have been excluded from the yearbook is just going overboard.
Lincoln really should reconsider, no they must reprint the yearbook with the excluded students included this time. Dress attire should not matter. Be it a boy in a dress or a girl in a suit, none of this should matter. The effort and hard work of students should be remembered and the best way to remember it, is the year book. Teachers enjoy recognition, and so do students. Teachers are included in the yearbook for their hard work and efforts just like a student. If a teacher were to violate the dress code, would he/she also get removed? Nonetheless, Lincoln High School has made a terrible error here.