Music around Chavez High School

Music is an important aspect of many people lives. Some people even say the music they listen to defines them. While there is a great range of music from all over the world, people tend to stick with one in particular. Typically, students with a common interest in a music genre tend to have more in common.

Surprisingly, many people listen to music without knowing how many other people also like the same music genre. As a result people miss out on the opportunity to find the people who they have something in common with. As for students at Cesar Chavez High School, they had more in common than they thought.

When asked why they chose a genre in particular, students even had similar answers for it being their favorite.

“I chose indie because it’s an unusual type of music,” Ashley Vazquez (12) said.

“Its different from regular music, and it’s nice to have something different to listen to,” Xitlali Parada (11) said.

When 100 students at Chavez were asked what was their favorite music genre, many were answering in the same category. Forty-nine of 100 people claimed to be interested in Rap and Hip Hop. Four people were interested in Country and EDM/Dance. Seven people found rock to be their favorite, while 14 believed Indie music was suited for them. However, not everyone found these five genres suitable for them, as 22% people decided on the category of “Other”.

So what about the others? Do they like jazz? Pop? Reggae? There’s a world of music and similarities still unknown and left for discovery.