It’s been rumored that a new update for Animal Crossing new horizons is right around the corner, this update is following the 20th anniversary of the franchise that was on April 14. There are also holidays and events that occurred in 2020 that are locked, but once this next update happens they will be unlocked. There are many players making predictions for what this update could bring and many believe it will be new characters and features into the game.
There are four characters from previous games many players are hoping to make any kind of appearance in this 2.0 update or any soon after. These characters being Tautimer, Shrunk, Brewster, and Kapp’n.
Shrunk was found in New Leaf as the comedian who would tell bad jokes and give players reactions. In New Horizons reaction that’s already called the shrunk shuffle.
Tautimer was the original mayor and was dedicated to hosting events before Isabel took over, sadly his role has pulled away over the years to being removed completely in New Horizons. If Tautimer does make his return it only makes sense to see Tautomer’s island return along with him. In New Leaf, his island was a local tropical island resort where you can go with or without friends and take part in a bunch of mini-games and earn in-game medals which could be exchanged for prizes. This island resort was a great aspect of Animal Crossing and actually gave players something to do when friends visiting each other’s islands. Tautomer’s island resort or some variation of it along with some new mini-games is one of the big predictions for the New Horizons 2.0 update.