Marvel Rivals, developed by Netease Games and Marvel Entertainment, was recently released on December 5th, and everyone has been raving about it.
The story in the game isn’t very well told to the audience, but the gist is that two variants of Doctor Doom clash. They create a catastrophic event known as the Timestream Entanglement, in which multiple timelines are suddenly fused together. This explains why there are anomalies throughout the experience of rifts and chaos between heroes and villains.
Netease Games has also made one of my favorite games, Identity V; Marvel Entertainment is an official company that has produced the movies we see in theatres, like Infinity War and Guardians of the Galaxy, and featured amongst gaming communities on platforms like Twitch and Youtube. We see streamers like Shroud and XQC taking on this new game and displaying their gameplay to the audience. The game is on platforms such as PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows. It runs on Unreal Engine 5, which is also on Fortnite and Dead by Daylight. This game falls under Hero Shooter, Fighting, and Free To Play.
Not all heroes or villains are in the game yet, though as the game progresses, we see expansions of their roster, such as recently announcing that the “Fantastic Four” will be joining the experience. For now, we have characters like original classics like Spiderman, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and others.
There have been many controversies about whether Marvel Rivals is a copy of Overwatch or competing with it. Both concepts of these games have similar components, but it genuinely depends on your preference. The models are different, and some abilities are exotic. The storylines are also incomparable as they don’t follow each other in any way.
Storyline—4: The story in the game isn’t very shown to the audience, but the gist is that two variants of Doctor Doom clash. They create a catastrophic event known as the Timestream Entanglement, in which multiple timelines are suddenly fused together.
Graphics/Gameplay—8: The graphics are extensive compared to other games. When I downloaded the game, it ensured that players had their graphics up to date. Everything runs clean only if you have a sound system. The abilities and character design are well-designed. You can even see the small details in the clothing, which display the characters’ mood. Many new players have contributed to the overall idea of this team-based game.
Communications—2: Sometimes, when players are talking, it doesn’t show who is talking, which can become confusing in the game. The web has many issues of cyberbullying, so when playing, individuals have been seen arguing in voice chat or text chat to cause disputes of “playing bad.” The reporting system here doesn’t have a strict effect on players, which makes the community toxic.
Overall Ratings – 8.5 / 10
Even with complications, I find this game very enjoyable. As a previous Overwatch player, I find this game more engaging and exciting. Who wouldn’t want to play as their favorite superhero or villain?