We are guaranteed freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, to Assemble and Petition by the First Amendment. People are protected by their First Amendment rights.
This court case proved that religion is protected on school grounds. West Virginia School Board of Education v. Barnette, 1943, allowed a Jehovah Witness student respectfully to decline to salute the flag. Students, who refused, were originally suspended and were considered illegally absent. Supreme Court ruled there was no harm done by the student.
“I’m glad the Government stood by me and protected my religious beliefs,” said Joel Barnette.
This next incident was a violation of of the First Amendment rights. A New Prairie High School student was told she had to remove one of the students’ quotes from her article before the school administrators could approve. Megan Pellow was allowed to publish her article, about opposing views on same sex marriage, but without the names of those who quoted about their opinions, even though the students gave her consent. The Superintendent said it didn’t meet the standards for the classroom. Pellow started a petition online to pressure administration, and later was allowed to publish the story as is.
“I don’t believe I should have to remove the names. I have received the consent of all those who were quoted,” said Megan Pellow.
This specific assembly truly shows that everyone has the right to assemble. A large group of K.K.K. members were allowed to have a public rally to express opinions. They were escorted and protected by the police. Reporters were even allowed to ask questions and receive answers from the group.
“The rally was pointless because it was offensive, but it truly showed that everyone has those rights,” said Eduardo Estrada.