Journalists must be honest in their job

Today, many of journalists wrote a lot of stories which can touch the heart of every person who read it. But nobody knows that these stories were made up by the people who wrote them. they made up places,events, organization and quotations.Those journalists must be honest in their articles because they are very important in social.

Stephen glass was a journalist who created fake notes, fake voice mails, fake faxes, even a fake website whatever it took to deceive his editors, not to mention hundreds of thousands of readers. When he caught by the ” Forbes Magazine” He hired a lawyer to deal with it. After Then the New Republic fired him, Glass moved to his parent’s home. Now he is working in Los Angeles.

In September 29, 1980 an American journalist named Janet Cooke worked at The Washington post, wrote about a heartwreching tale. It detailed the life of the thriving heroin trade that was devastating  the law- income neighborhoods of Washington D.C But after a few months later, The Washington post fond out that Cooke never met Jimmy and his family before. After the Washington post discovered her lying, she stopped working. Now Cooke is living in Kalamazoo, Michigan working as a clerk in a clothing store.

Jayson Blair was a journalist of the New York Times. In 2003 the newspaper discovered that their promising young reporter had plagiarized and lied his way through dozens of stories. He wrote about locations he never visited, ripped off quotes from other publications and fabricated events that never took place. Since that day his fall down, the executive and managing editor of The Times were brought down. Jayson Blair lost his job.
It is very important for the journalist to be ethical in their articles because they’re people who provide information for many people. Lying can bring many of problems for them.