Ball is life, but which baller is your favorite?
As the popular motto states, “Ball is life!” and it’s pretty evident that the sports world is a dominant industry. The competition, exclusive talent, drama and laughs make sports the front runner of entertainment across the world. It’s easy to find a team, sport or player that fits your personal preference. There’s something for everyone when it comes to sports. Many are dedicated to certain teams, but are also committed to a certain player that might not be on that respective team(s). Do you like sports? If so, who’s your favorite player?
Some have true dedication and admiration for a specific athlete for their own reasons: the personality of the athlete on and off the field, their attractiveness, skill, role model factor or charisma. Like Jessica Mead ’17 stated, “I just picked Serena because she’s a girl!” Ferline Ayo ’17 and Xitali Parada ’17 were appreciative of the female athlete Williams (12 votes), because they are both young women who play tennis here at CCHS. However, there was no surprise in who won the poll.
Current NBA champion and MVP Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors took the “dub” with 22% of the vote (get it? because the Warriors are nicknamed as the ‘Dubs’) and showed the dedication of our local bay area fans.