“During childhood, I went to an international school and I grew up in a Christian household. When I was about in 4th grade my parents divorced because my mom had another partner so then we moved across the globe to different countries now I am in the U.S and I had to restart my life in a new culture and it was very hard for me but I guess I was determined as a little kid to get more stuff like to gain my goals like it was up to me to make them happen.”
Question 1: What sort of Impact do you want to achieve in this world? And what lesson would you give people?
“With the impact I want to make sure that I shared with people that you can honestly do anything you put your mind to because the first barrier you come across is your mind and when you say you can’t do something that’s already setting you up for failure so I want to show people you know what it’s ok to prove people wrong you just need to stay in your zone, stay focused, and keep working.”
Question 2: What is your ultimate goal in life? And how many steps do you need to take to reach that goal?
“My ultimate goal in life is to honestly settle down with my partner right now get married but be able to help people through physical therapy and just really be happy in the present like be happy and having a basic life a lot of people always want a complicated life but you know what I really don’t mind having a basic life.”
Question 3: What types of foods do you eat to maintain your physique? And what foods do you think are bad for people who want to get ripped?
“The main foods I eat are broccoli, beef, and avocado. I also eat ground chicken, and ground avocado, and I don’t really eat pork at all I try to avoid any really heavy carbs like rice or pasta just because I am cutting weight foods I avoid are fries, burgers, junk food, and I have a sandwich but like it doesn’t have to be fried and unhealthy I put turkey on it also vegetables. I also like eating a poke bowl that’s probably like my favorite food or a healthy burrito.”
Question 4: What was the scariest moment in your life? And how did you overcome that darkness?
“The scariest thing that happened in my life is when I couldn’t use my waist like my waist had a broken bone in it and I could not open the door and I could not turn on the water faucet but I could like pick up a cup and it was really scary cause like all of a sudden I can’t use my hand and it was really scared moment in my life because it like something you are so used to using it’s like suddenly it’s gone.”
Question 5: What type of advice would you give to people who are struggling to get fit?
“Some advice I give is definitely like don’t be comparing yourself to other people because even with me I can be going to the gym for 2 years already and I’ll compare myself to someone who is an adult who’s on steroids which has been training because they have like better time or whatever and it, like ruins your journey and another thing, is definitely keep your body safe you know like the number one thing if I can go back is to like keep my body safe when I’m lifting because you only get one body and you know what if you mess it up you can’t use it anymore.”
Her Instagram account: @fitbyshull