Giligan’s Island

Hilarious t.v show from the 60’s

If you want to watch a classic comedy show from the 60’s the Gilligan’s island is the show for you. This show was very entertaining for kids back in the day. It is recently on ” me t.V”


Bob Denver  play a funny, nonintelagent boy called Gilligan an old original show. This was for all ages. This character brought smiles to the faces of viewers. Gilligan (Bob Denver) would cause troble for Skipper (Alan Hale). He would always screw something up for the other characters. He was fun to watch.

Most episodes are about acts that would happen in the real world even though they were on a deserted island. Gilligan spends most of his time with Skipper. He helps him out sometimes but most of the time Gilligan is messing up his work and just annoying Skipper. There are various dilemmas that come up through out the show.

This show was made to make people laugh and have fun. The first aired on CBS on September 26, 1964 and ended on September 4, 1967. The first season  was in black and white, season two and three were made in color. The show came on around the time kids got home from school so that way the kids would be entertained. Gilligan is not the only funny character the other characters are hilarious too.

One specific show that was exciting was when a lion happened to float on to the island that Gilligan was. The castaways  were terrified. In a turn on events Gilligan became friends with the lion. Gilligan tought the lion tricks by feeding him cornbeef. All of a sudden the castaways were excited because Gilligan was making a circus. Last but not least the cornbeef ran out that led to the lion being in a cage which soon floated away.

If you enjoy old comedy then Gilligan’s Island is a show for you. Recently this show has came on on ” me t.v”.