Killer Finals


The one word that sends students running to the hills. With this semester quickly coming to an end, students are stressed and worried about their graders.


Are They Prepared?

During the course of three days I surveyed 50 students at Cesar Chavez High School. Out of the 50 students, 44 percent answered yes, one percent answered no, and 22 percent said maybe.

“That’s an idiotic question, of course I will,” Soveni Ke, a twelfth grader in the EES slc said.

“Yes sir,” said Maria Chavez, tenth grader in CAPA, “I believe I can do this, amen.”

When asked why, Brenda Beltran, a junior in Health, responded with, “Because I studied hard.”

“I think I’ll pass,” said Ferline Ayo, sophomore in Health. “I’ll pass because I’m smart.”

Overall I think that we can all agree on that finals are a dark and scary time.