Leisure time with Spring Break

As midterms come to an end, students finally get the one week break that they’ve been looking forward too. Spring Break is a week-long break  between semesters three and four of our second term of school. This break has been well sought for since our last break, which was in winter.

Students on break will each use their one week break in many different ways. I conducted a survey to see what kids at Cesar Chavez wanted to do after school gets out on March 20, 2015. An almost even amount wanted to either stay home (20%) or get out of Stockton (22%).

“I just want to catch up on my sleep,” said Jeremy Romeo.

“Being home is nice and all,” said Kevin Van, “But I want to get out of Stockton for break.

Some were undecided, as they didn’t know what to do for Spring break (22%) More or less they were excited for the end of the semester.

“I don’t know what I want to do,” stated Rocky Phlek. “I’m just trying to have fun.”

The main decision everyone came to is that they wanted to be with friends. (30%) To the people of Cesar Chavez high school, there is no better experience than one with the people you are closest too.

Bebe Ti proclaimed, “I want to spend the break with my friends and family.”