With a Blink of An Eye

Seniors in high school are ready to graduate. They have had the best four years of their lives and are ready to start a new chapter in their life as young adults.

I surveyed 50 seniors at Cesar Chavez High School and majority of them wanted to graduate at the Stockton Arena. 94% of the students voted for the arena, 6% voted for the football field and 0% voted for other.

Some students don’t want to graduate at the football field because of certain reasons. “There is no parking at the school,” said Christian Aldrete, senior, in the EES SLC. While Christian worries about the lack of parking space, Eduardo Estrada, senior, in the Health SLC, said,“I’m ready to graduate.”

Chavez Parking Lot

A senior I surveyed don’t mind graduating at his high school football field.

“I want to graduate at the football field,” Brian Figueroa said,”because of the fireworks.”  

On the other hand, some students are just ready to graduate. “I just feel like I want to graduate already,” Josephine Prasad, senior, in the Health SLC, said.“I’m ready to go.”

Class of 2015 making H15TORY

“It’s about to be the best graduation Chavez has had,” said Danyelle Thompson, senior, in the CAPA SLC.

While some seniors worry about where graduation will be held at, Alberto doesn’t worry at all. He doesn’t worry about where we walk because…

“At the end I know that these four years were worth it,” said Alberto Negrete, senior, in the EES SLC.