GoodBye CCHS

My time here at Cesar Chavez has been a fun and wild ride. Coming into high school was defiently not what I expected it to be. Trust me high school is not how it is in movies and all that you see it’s different, not different in a bad way, but just different. Being here at Chavez has taught and showed me a lot. I came into Chavez thinking that I would still have all the friends from my 8th grade year till now my senior year. But truth is I don’t talk pratically to any of them just a few, but not as close as we used to be. I made new friends here at Chavez that came from differnt schools, got to do alot of different things here, play volleyball my freshmen and sophomore year and softball all 4 years. I loved being able to play for my own high school team. It’s a big thing to represent to others to be able to play softball for Chavez has really taught me a lot on how to work together and become a team with your players I’m glad that as a senior here at Chavez I was able to help and take my team to play offs first time ever since this school has been open. It’s sad to have to end playing ball here at Chavez but I will carry it on at Delta. My favorite thing about being here at Chavez would probably be able to go to all the football games. The football games where always fun to go to espically during homecoming night and all the other school activities we had where always fun to also go to. There was also bumpy rides I had here at Chave,z but I had some great teachers who could always be there for me and help me out and get me where I needed to go. Although my time here at Chavez is coming to an end in pratically four days from graduation today. I can honestly say I’m going to miss being a student here. High school really went by too fast. It feels like just yesturday my class of seniors where just freshmens all in M wing, now we’re as seniors at the end and getting ready to leave to the real world as adults and start a new chapter in our life. It’s a sad and happy moment to really be done as a high school student it hasn’t hit me fully yet but it will soon. Now as us all of class of 2015 go our separate was and may never talk or see one another again. I got to say I don’t regret being part of this 2015 class. I’ll miss Chavez and my fellow students who I became close with over the years and I wish nothing but the best for us all in our future and hopefully we see one another around in life one day. So for now I got to say goodbye my fellow CCHS class of 2015.