Music Monday 9-28-15

October 11, 2015

The past week of September 28- October 2  was our Cesar Chavez Spirit Week in honor of Homecoming, where any student dressed as whatever the theme was provided for them. This year we had: Music Monday, College day, Career/SLC day, Class Colors day, and lastly Titan Gear day. Although there wasn’t many people that seemed too involved,the ones who did help very much on getting points for their own SLC.

On September 28, Cesar Chavez High School kicked off the first day of Spirit Week with the theme Music Monday. Music Monday was for students, teachers, and staff to dress with an outfit they’d wear to a concert, or to simply wear a shirt bought from a concert or of a singer/band. These are a few people who showed their school spirit and dressed for this day.


M.M. Mr. W
Mr. Wilson, CT, Video Production teacher

Many teachers dressed up for Music Monday, such as Mr. Wilson, CT, Video Production teacher, who absolutely loves The Beatles. As you can see, he is wearing a Beatles shirt, and he even has a few posters in his class room. When asked why he wore a Beatles shirt for Music Monday, Wilson simply said, “The Beatles are the greatest band in the world. They changed the world.” Mr. Wilson was very kind and shows great school spirit.








As for students, many did dress up. Upon asking a few students whether they liked the idea of Music Monday or not, some said they loved it because they had a shirt from the artist they liked, and some didn’t because they just simply didn’t have a shirt, even though some students did dress as if they are going to a concert.


M.M. j&s
Left, Saily Hansen, Junior,Law and Order Right, Joseph St. Jean, Senior, Law and Order

On the left is Saily Hansen, junior, Law and Order, and on the right is Joseph St. Jean, senior, Law and        Order. We asked Hansen why did she dress up for this day and she had said, “I have a bunch of band shirts and I just picked this one. It’s sick as frick.” If anyone knows Hansen, she has many band shirts and wears them all the time to school.







M.M. Dimitra
Dimitra Sandoval, Junior, CT

Dimitra Sandoval, Junior, CT, says that, “It makes me feel like I can be a little involved and participate with the school.”







Spirit week is a tradition our school has had over the years it’s been running. Each year spirit week themes are very different, but students and teachers never fail to participate. Not ALL students participate but it’s good to see the ones that do, it really goes to show their school spirit!

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