10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Last year, in my freshman year I was in the Mayor’s Top 25. I had a GPA of 4.1. I was also ranked 16 out off 500 something.
After I graduate high school I want to attend a university. Stanford is my dream college that I want to attend. I have always I wanted to go there since I was young; I don’t why I want to go there but I just do.
I also have been to Washington D.C.for 8th grade field trip with Rio and Bush. I enjoy going to the different monuments they were all so beautiful. But, my favorite was looking at the white house.
I have been to seven different states. But my favorite state is New York. I went there for 8th grade field trip with two other elementary schools.
This ride X2 from six flags Magic Mountain is my favorite ride. It was also the first ever rollercoaster that I have been on. I went on it like when I was 10 years old and I was really scared of rollercoaster but ever since that ride I love riding on rollercoaster.
I love to watch sports especially football. My favorite team is the SF 49ers. I have been a niners fan since I was really young and I just stick to that team.
This is Ariana Marie Rangel she was born on November 14, 2012. She is my first sister and I’m very grateful to have her.
Here are my brothers, dad, uncle, and cousins. We each like different teams so we are always competitive with each other. My mom side of family like the SF 49ers and my dad side like the Raiders.
When I went to New York I met a celebrity while at the Today Show. Michael Ealy was at the building and he was kind enough to take pictures with us. I was actually nervous going up to him because he was famous but I’m happy that I did because now I can tell people that I met a celebrity.
These people are my closest friends. I knew most of them since the 7th grade. I can always count on them and they are always by my side.