I’m a Boston Celtics fan. I love Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo. Basketball is the only sport I kind of get.
My favorite color is orange. That’s been my favorite color since I was little. I don’t usually wear a lot of orange.
I plan on going to cosmetology school. I love doing hair. I love shopping.I love getting my nails done. I love lipstick. I own 14 lipsticksI don’t watch a lot of TV. I don’t have a favorite TV show. I like reality TV shows.I hate cats. I hate animals period. I think some dogs are cute but I wouln’t be able to have one.I was born April 2,1996. I’m an Aries. I was born in Stanford hospital.I speak Spanish. I’m not Mexican, I’m Salvadorian. No it’s not the same thing.
I like listening to music. My favorite artists are Beyonce, Drake, Lil Wayne, and Justin Bieber. I listen to pandora every single day.
So far this school year is the only year that I haven’t been late t So o school every single day. It’s also the only year that I haven’t recieved a truency letter. I didn’t get any tardy sweep detentions this year.