Horoscope for March 14, 2014

Today’s Birthday (03/14/14). Follow happiness this year. Seek for fun, play with family and friends, and develop passion projects. Your creative inspiration fires, so take advantage. Capture and record. Make time for growing romance this summer. Work increases after August, for a new career level. The trick’s to maintain health and relationships while providing great service. This year’s mantra: “Focus on love.”

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today is an 8 – Get active at work. Your communication skills are on fire. Write, record and participate with partners. News goes farther than imagined. Keep health in mind… ensure yourself a workout and good food, topped by delicious rest and recreation.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today is an 8 – Talk about fun, and invent the best games. You don’t always have to be active. Learn from mistakes. Launch a bold venture. Words and action align. Follow your instinct and your heart. Make a commitment.

GeminiĀ (May 21-June 20)

Today is an 8 – Share your vision for how your home could look and work with your family, and ask them for theirs. It doesn’t need to be expensive. Choose the best course after reviewing options. Schedule who does what.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today is a 9 – Express your creative passion, and study options carefully. Stick to your budget. Wait for your gut response before committing ink. Discuss conditions with someone who’s been there. Words come easily. Send your messages around the world.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today is a 9 -Your fame travels far and wide. That money could show up anytime now. Stay respectful. Share your sensitive side, with creativity. Provide discipline, and your expression makes a bigger impact. Pour on the steam.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today is an 8 – Take care of yourself as top priority. You have the words and actions to move your game forward, with a visible advantage. Don’t stop the action to crow about it. Combine, and share the attention.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today is an 8 – It’s emotion versus reason for the next two days. Let your heart be your guide, while considering practicalities. Fill up your reserves. A difference of opinion leads to critical action. Your credit rating’s going up.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today is an 8 – Opportunities open up. Resist temptation to spend over budget. Encourage your team to advance. Friends are glad to give you a boost today and tomorrow, and it’s an excellent time to take action. You’re gaining respect.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is a 9 – Slow down and concentrate, so you don’t have to do the job over. Delay an outing. Get grounded. Verify the connections involved. Consider taking on more authority. Ensure you understand any additional expense. Add the finishing touches.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Today is an 8 – Plan your next trip, and schedule the tour over the next few days. Make sure the structure is in place. Line up meetings with partners. Don’t touch your savings. Keep to your budget. Connect with everyone involved.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today is a 9 – Increase organization around finances. Handle paperwork, send invoices, and get the tax info together. Stick to your schedule and increase your income. Don’t take out irritation on your partner. Manage a shared task and your efforts get nicely repaid.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today is a 9 – Represent more to others over the next two days. Talk about the financial suggestions. Avoid a conflict with your partner by communicating your view clearly and with sensitivity. Invest time and money into your business.