Today’s Birthday: 06/02/15
Your personal growth of knowledge revolves around communication and technology this year. Build a ‘forever’ kind of relationship while networking. Collaborate for even better results. The amount of effort that you give off strengthens after Saturn goes direct (6/14). Begin a new journey and conquer after 10/13. The way your peers brainstorm new ideas becomes extravagant after 10/27. Take pride in what you’ve accomplished.
To get the advantage:
Check today’s rating: 1o is the easiest, 0 the most challenging.
March 21-April 19
Today is an 8 – The way your education is heading is going to a sharp turn. Exploration awaits you. The only way you’re able to learn is experiment, experiment, experiment.
April 20-May 20
Today is an 8 – Finances and future finances create a sinkhole in your life. Luckily, you have the support you deserve. The only way this will work is if you have excellent interpersonal relationship skills. Take a step back and take a look at the big picture. Brand new opportunities may open, or even re-open for you.
May 21-June 20
Today is a 7 – A new turn turning point in partnerships arises. This could lead to a negative or positive affect. Emotional tension is arising in your life. This is not good for the mind, body and soul. Keep your promises imaginable. People may try and throw you off from what’s right. Resist their offer and continue succeeding.
June 21-July 22
Today is a 7 – A new position in work intrigues you. Even when you do not work for anyone but yourself, still show great appreciation and service. You don’t always have to have the best of the best, to be the best of the best.
July 23-Aug. 22
Today is an 8 – All of this stress that is burdening you deserves to be relieved. Breaks here and now are always acceptable and comforting. A new path is revealed in the romantic section. Embrace your creative capabilities.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Today is a 7 – A major turning point in your life at home arises to your attention. Renovation for you sanctuary is calling you. You need a break anyways. After your transformation a gathering should be arranged. Don’t distract yourself from reality. Remember to gather all the information instead of jumping to conclusions.
Sept. 22-Oct.22
Today is an 8 – You’re a fish, swim in your own stream and not follow. Always trust your gut even when it doesn’t feel right. A new adventure in discovering your intellectual capabilities starts today.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Today is a 9 – New opportunities that offer an abundance of wealth awaits you. Financial stability is in your favor. Savor it while you can and never stop saving. Don’t spend your hard earned money on things that won’t last. Spend it on materialistic things.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Today is a 9 – Your self-confidence level is higher than the Himalayas. A personal retreat is much needed as well as earned. The only way we learn is through our own mistakes. Avoid negative energy from negative people.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Today is a 7 – As the moon rises you gain a whole new perspective on life. You’ll never be able to learn to accomplish things fully if you keep halfing whatever you started. Releasing all of the stress from work has never ceased to relieve you.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Today is an 8 – Gathering the community and collaborating to create something beautiful is a sight to see. You come across a new clique that interests you. You’re a competitive person. Show them what you’re made of and show your true potential.
Feb. 19-March 20
Today is an 8 – A new pathway in your education is revealed to you. Don’t stick to being normal. Find your own style. Be original. There are glitches in the system. Visit the source if you want to find out for yourself.