Goodbye Mr. Freeman

“You won’t have Mr. Freeman say I told you!” said Michael Freeman

As a new year comes we meet new teacher, but unfortunately we won’t be seeing Mr. Freeman anymore, a teacher of the Creative and Performing Arts small learning community. He plans to retire this year  after teaching for 33 years, since 1982. When retired Mr. Freeman plans to travel, fish, catch up on reading, and coach basketball. For those that doesn’t know Mr. Freeman he teaches English 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, ELD, Honors and he coached our very own Cesar Chavez High School girls basketball. He said that the girls basketball team were good, they had up and downs over the years, but they tried really hard. Mr. Freeman’s favorite hobbies is to fish, travel, and to collect comics. He has been teaching at Chavez for 9 years, and other schools that he taught were Marshall, 5 years, and King, 4 years. He once told a student that “Once you dig a hole for yourself, it’ll be harder to get out.” The student has now dugged himself out of that hole from the words this man has spoken. Mr.Freeman was a great speaker and inspirational, he had words of wisdom as he spoke in class and would explain thing clearly so everyone will understand. Although Mr. Freeman is going to retire from teaching we still might she him around coaching basketball, so don’t think that you might not get to never see him again.

Many of us will miss Mr. Freeman but he will be remembered at Chavez forever. He was a great teacher from teaching English and basketball. He was a very educational person, who will help you even if your slacking off. He does his best for himself and others because there is no I in school, this is a small learning community and we all learn and grow together.