Today’s Birthday (12/02/15).
Spread your wings this year. Follow your studies where they take you. Realize personal dreams. There is a in a group project. There will be a career rise and more changes at home. Pursue truth, goodness and beauty.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

(March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — You will have an extremely busy day. Your work is in demand today and tomorrow. Choose stability over illusion. Handle a structural problem. Stay in communication. Expect some emotional impact.

(April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — The next two days get especially fun. Romance blossoms. Play with friends and family. Things don’t always go as planned. Keep practicing. True your aim, and try again. Work with someone who sees your weaknesses.

(May 21-June 20) — Today is a 6 — Fix up your place today and tomorrow. Your home and family require more attention. Personal comfort must be considered … clean house, and beautify. Don’t strain the budget. Flowers brighten things. Create peaceful spaces. Use your practical resources.

(June 21-July 22) — Today is a 7 — You’re especially clever today and tomorrow. Catch up on studies. Write your brilliant ideas down. Practice your craft. Keep things simple, despite enthusiasm for details. Don’t overextend or get carried off by fantasy. Welcome help from others.

(July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 9 — Beneficial opportunities will be around today and tomorrow. Your ideas are attracting attention. Focus on the goal with determination. You may be learning more than you wanted to know. Avoid tricks, distractions and silly arguments. Try and try again.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 9 — Today and tomorrow you will have extra energy and confidence. Take care of personal problems. As you gain strength, you also gain options. Don’t rush into anything. Pamper yourself. Consider a new style.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — Peace and quiet suit your mood. Finish up old business today and tomorrow. Productivity behind closed doors provides welcome respite from a recent flurry. Assumptions are challenged, be sure to think before reacting with authority. Use your own good sense.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Friends come to your rescue. Team projects go well today and tomorrow. Stifle rebellious tendencies, and align with a group vision. Keep the objective in mind. Flow with what happens, do not force anything.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Work takes priority for the next few days. A challenge or test requires focused attention. Pass it, and a professional status rise is possible. Practice makes perfect. Relax when you can, especially with warm water.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — New opportunities arise to study a subject you love. Travel conditions improve today and tomorrow. Plan in detail before setting off. Replenish reserves, and resist the temptation to overspend. It’s not worth an upset. Follow the money trail.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — Revise plans to discover a win-win financial situation over the next few days. Changes need revisions. Join forces with another for funding with clear priorities. Do what you said.

(Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Provide support. Be more willing to share the load for the next two days. You’re building for your future. Discover romance in the process. Work collaboratively for a shared dream. It may not look as expected.