Today’s Birthday (02/01/16). Collaborate for change this year. Spring eclipses (3/8, 3/23) provide a lucrative surge and direction changes. A financial growth phase shifts toward two years of travels and studies (after 9/9). Autumn eclipses (9/1, 9/16) incite a windfall to your shared and personal accounts. Contributions return multiplied.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
— Today is a eight — Stay focused to expand your territory. Imagine a project completed. Resist the urge to splurge. A hidden danger could arise. If it goes against your grain, turn it down. Lies are revealed. Notice your dreams.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
— Today is a nine — Move quickly to grab an opportunity. You can make it happen together. Someone interesting has your attention. Hold on to your money. Good things are worth waiting for. Commit to an inspiring future. Make a bold declaration.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
— Today is a nine — Put energy into work today, despite chaos. Provide excellent service. There’s an opportunity to develop. The more you learn the better you look. Track sales closely. Verify the investment of time and money before compromising.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
– Today is a nine — Tap hidden assets. Make the changes you’ve been observe. Don’t run away from it, despite strong impulse. Don’t get talked out of what you want. Say what you’ve been holding back. Take bold action.-
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
— Today is a seven — Focus on family communications. Find ways to support each other. Work interferes with play. Try and try again. Dig deeper for a solution. Find a hidden treasure. No rampage. Enjoy simple comfort foods together.

— Today is a seven — Clean up dilemmas. Others want fast activities, but you’d better slow down or risk an accident. Accept another’s generosity graciously. Provide leadership. Take decisive action. Send someone else ahead. Following through pays well.

— Today is an eight — If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Work takes priority Increasing efficiency gives you more time off afterwards. Avoid gossip or controversy. Don’t gamble or rely upon fantasy. Pay bills. Explore streets you rarely visit.

— Today is a nine — Full speed ahead to meet a limit. A rush job pre-empts scheduled programming. Work quickly, but carefully. Avoid causing jealousies. The community provides what you need. Friends keep you headed in the right direction.

— Today is a seven — A barricade or unexpected expense stalls the action. Stick to the truth. Don’t jump to conclusions. Pay bills before buying treats. Take it slow and easy. Practice frugality. You won’t have to defer gratification forever.

— Today is an eight — Assume responsibility. Address an uncomfortable situation head on. Begin a fresh page. Emotions could run high. Stand in empathy, for yourself and others. Listen to another view. Judge not. Get much needed rest.

— Today is a seven — Old beliefs are challenged. Strike out in a new direction. Make a creative plan. Get tools and supplies together. Do the jobs that pay best first. Peace and quiet soothes short tempers. Apply expressive touches.

— Today is a nine — Teamwork leads to victory. Concentrate intently. Expand in the direction of least opposition. Toss out the superfluous. Consult with experts, friends and family. Children have a fresh outlook. Bring a dream image into your external environment.
(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and www.nancyblack.com)