Today’s Birthday (03/12/16)
To expand your education this year. Organize, plan and form new goals. Imagine your dream collaboration. Discover new skills and abilities. Financial changes require management after 3/23. Work with other students after 9/1.Choose new task after 9/9. Dress the part for new roles after 9/16. Love and be loved.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is a 7 — Don’t reveal your ideas all at once, with Venus in Pisces. Maintain mystery. Allow yourself more quiet time. Finish old task, and rest peacefully. Your head’s full of ways to make money,and set goals . Speculate and plan.

— Today is an 8 — Dress to impress and look sharp. You’re extra popular for the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Social activities benefit your career. Go ahead and get well-known. Group activities go well. Share what you love.

— Today is a 5 — Make plans and arrangements. Strategize and plot. Watch for career opportunities. Take on more responsibility over the next month, with Venus in Pisces. If you pass the test, you can mount a level.

— Today is a 7 — Set goals, and plan your next adventure. Travel, explore and study over the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Discover new worlds. Pursue passion and beauty. Rely on your team, and share enthusiasms.

— Today is an 8 — Review school studies this month, with Venus in Pisces, and discover ways to increase your assets. Expect expenditures as well. Keep it balanced. Find a sweet deal. Take charge for gainful opportunities.

— Today is a 7 — Get involved in an exploration with a significant someone. Partnerships flow with greater ease for the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Collaborate on creative projects. Compromise on details. Talk about what you love.

— Today is a 7 — Manage educational matters, and rest easier. Get into a fun work phase over the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Enunciate beauty, fine details and the part of your school work that you love.

Today is a 5 — Explore new ways to create beauty. Practice hobbies, passions and talents over the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Get artistic. Results can be beneficial. Share what you love with family and friends.

— Today is a 7 — There’s plenty of work. You’re more domestic over the next month, with Venus in Pisces. Focus on home and family. Increase the comfort level. Your home can become your love nest. Less is more.

— Today is a 6 — Trust your own heart to lead you. You love learning this month, with Venus in Pisces. Study becomes fun. Words flow with ease, so take advantage to write and issue communications. Share your discoveries.

— Today is a 7 — Gather new knowledge. Discover your peak educational performance zone. The next month, with Venus in Pisces, can be quite profitable. You’re also making new friends. Invite them to your place. Share food and conversation.

— Today is an 8 — Try a new style or look. You feel especially beloved for the next month, with Venus in your sign. You’re irresistible, and especially persuasive. A crazy scheme could work. It could be lucrative.
(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and