Today’s Birthday (04/07/16). Expand your territory this year. Begin new creative projects after 5/9. Be willing and prepare for adventures, launching after 8/13. A two-year collaborative phase sparks after 9/9. Reach new levels at work after 9/1, prompting a new spiritual, thoughtful direction after 9/16. Nurture love.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
— Today is a 9 — Take care of business and rake in the bucks today and tomorrow. Begin a financial change with this New Moon. A new source of income appears. Watch out for breakage or unexpected obstacles.

— Today is a 9 — Start a new personal phase with this New Moon in your sign. Take charge to fulfill what you see possible. Grow and develop to your limits. You’re making a good impression. Watch where you’re going.

— Today is a 5 — Conclude arrangements today and tomorrow. You’re undergoing a transformation of maturity levels. Breakthroughs and revelations arise with the New Moon. Discover something new about the past. Begin a new phase in your philosophy, spirituality and mindfulness.

— Today is an 8 — Teamwork provides the definitive edge. Begin a new phase in friendship, social networks and community with this New Moon. Take a group to achieve to a new level. Apply elbow grease to seize opportunities.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Begin a professional adventure with this New Moon. Take on more responsibility, especially today and tomorrow. There could be a test. Do what worked before, including the reading. An unusual yet fascinating option appears.

— Today is a 7 — Studies and travel hold your focus today and tomorrow. Changes may seem sudden. They could inspire brilliance. Begin a new phase in your education, travels and exploration with this New Moon. Flow with traffic.

— Today is an 8 — Your routine could be disrupted. Consider an unusual, brilliant solution. New directions open with family finances under this New Moon. Discover new possibilities and shift directions. Together you’re more powerful.

— Today is an 8 — Collaborate with your partner today and tomorrow. Begin a creative new phase in your relationship under this New Moon. Realign for new priorities. Support each other. Be spontaneous, not reckless. Change direction instinctively.

— Today is a 6 — The next two days are especially busy. Take on an exciting new project. This transformational New Moon launches a new phase in service, work and health. Nurture your body, mind and spirit for balance.

— Today is a 5 — A shift in priorities arises with the New Moon. Begin a family, fun and passion phase. Complete one game and begin another. A romantic relationship transforms. Listen for hidden elements. It’s all for love.

— Today is a 7 — Focus on home over the next two days. One domestic phase closes as another begins under this Taurus New Moon. Spring cleaning? Complete the past and create and complete new possibilities for your family.

— Today is an 8 — Complete old projects and launch new creative works with this New Moon. Begin a new communications phase, including research, broadcasting, writing, recording and publishing. Make an intellectual discovery. Share what you’re learning.
(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and www.nancyblack.com)