Today’s Birthday (05/04/16).
Inquire into love this year. Explore passion. Fall head over heels (again). Slowly and steadily grow your shared accounts. Springtime career changes lead to two golden years in your work, beginning after summer. Personal achievements and new directions in a group endeavor arise this autumn. Keep true to your heart.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is a 7 — You may not know your own strength. Push, but don’t force (or risk breakage). Flow around obstacles like water. Look for where you can be responsible, rather than blaming others. There’s more power there.

— Today is a 5 — Slow down and tie up loose ends. Do the filing. Organize for what’s ahead. Emotions can feel overwhelming. Hide out and get a job done, and then sink into something peaceful.

— Today is a 7 — Teamwork handles a tough job. Make sure what you build is solid. Take time to resolve disagreements between partners. Gentle persuasion works better than force. A careful work-related investment could help. Encourage another’s creativity.

— Today is an 8 — Take advantage of a professional opportunity over the next few days. There’s a deadline or challenge to overcome. Invest in your career. Track budgets and schedule accordingly. Apply elbow grease.

— Today is a 7 — Get into expansion mode. Travels and long-distance communications flow with greater ease. Save more than you spend. Discover new efficiencies, or another revenue source. Favor experiences over stuff. Try exotic flavors.

— Today is an 8 — Study ways to make and keep money. Handle financial matters, and settle accounts. Don’t be afraid of hard work. Get a good referral from a friend. Work with someone who sparks your creativity.

— Today is an 8 — Work with your partner to solve an emerging problem. Do it by the rules. Make sure you have all the facts. Research the subject, and consult an expert. Find practical solutions together.

— Today is an 8 — Get support from your team on a tough job. There’s plenty of work, and you could be pressed for time. Having a meticulous co-worker helps. Focus on urgent priorities, and clean up messes later.

— Today is a 7 — Spend time with your sweetheart, family and friends. You’re especially lucky in love. Practice a favorite game. Benefits come in unexpected ways. Discover a treasure hiding in the garbage. Clean up messes.

— Today is a 5 — Work from home or make domestic changes. Family comes first. Postpone travel for now. Wait for the full picture to develop. Figure out what you want. Listen for the hidden elements.

— Today is a 7 — Throw yourself into a creative project. Words come with ease; write them down. Reduce internal tension through meditation. Friends help you make a connection. Keep up the good work.

— Today is an 8 — Business looks good. Smile and thank your clients. You’re motivated to accept a challenge. Go for it! A new revenue source is possible. It’s better to lose than to never compete. Learn your game.