Today’s Birthday (05/06/16). Play with people you love this year. Stir up some romance. Maintain financial discipline to grow savings. Professional changes over springtime lead to a two-year creative blossoming at work after summer. Realize a personal dream before navigating community changes this autumn. Passion is paramount.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is an eight — Begin a financial transformation with this New Moon. A new income source appears. One door closes as another opens. Start a project so big that you don’t know how to do it. Learn voraciously.

— Today is a seven — Stay cool under pressure and prosper. Begin a new personal chrapter with this New Moon in your sign. Take charge to fulfill what you see possible. Expand and develop your capacities.

— Today is a five — Breakthroughs and revelations arise with the New Moon. Discover something new about the past. Begin a new theoretical, spiritual and mindful phase. You’re undergoing a metamorphosis. Accept support and advice. Completion fosters creativity.

— Today is a seven — Begin a new episode in friendship, social networks and community with this New Moon. Take a group endeavor to a new level. Gather resources and create shared files. Together, you’re unstoppable.

— Today is an eight — One road ends as a new one begins in a professional adventure with this New Moon. Embark on a new career step. Push past old barriers. Take action for work you admire.

— Today is a six — Launch a new academic journey and explore with this New Moon. First person experience is the most memorable way to learn. Study from the source as directly as possible. Traveling is required.

— Today is an eight — Your team is hot. A turning point arises regarding family finances with this New Moon. Shift directions to increase profits. Complete old promises and creat new possibilities together.

— Today is a seven — Share a magical moment. Begin a new period in your relationship under this New Moon. Realign your collaboration to new priorities. Make an important choice. Support each other.

— Today is a seven– Tonight’s transformation New Moon launches a new phase in service, work and health. With power comes leadership. Listen to your heart. Nurture your body, mind and spirit. Let go of an old habit.

— Today is a seven — Start fresh. Advance to the next level. Begin a family, fun and passion phase. Complete one game and begin anew with this New Moon in Taurus. A romantic relationship transforms. It’s all for love.

— Today is a seven — One domestic chapter closes as another begins under this Taurus New Moon. Complete the past and invent new possibilities for your family. Adapt your home to suit. Welcome new beginnings together.

— Today is an eight — Complete old projects and launch new creative works with this New Moon. Begin a new communications phase, including research, broadcasting, writing, recording and publishing. Make an intellectual discovery and expose it.
(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and