Today’s Birthday (05/26/16). Loving attention at home reaps rewards this year. Partnership provides workability. Household improvements over late summer lead to a professional shift, trending toward a two-year family fun phase beginning this autumn. Ask for what you want this winter to perk up your career. Make heart-felt connections.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is a 7 — Friends are a big help over the next two days. Discover emotional challenges, and rely on their support. Contributions arrive from unexpected places. Love soothes and refreshes.

— Today is an 8 — Career opportunities show up for the next two days. Expect increased examination, and perfect your presentation. Circumstances shake up your feelings. Someone finds you very attractive.

— Today is a 6 — The next two days favor travel and studies. Investigate possibilities and explore new directions. The line blurs between friends and family. The more support you give, the more you gain.

— Today is a 6 — Changes necessitate budget revisions. Today and tomorrow favor financial planning. Work with your partner to get a contended edge on the competition. Love gives you strength.

— Today is a 7 — Get out of your own head and into conversation. Emotions go haywire. Work with a partner over the next few days. Find harmonious surroundings. Use your connections to get an expert’s view.

— Today is a 7 — There’s plenty of work, and you can get a lot done today and tomorrow. Slow down to get more done faster (and avoid breaking something). The talent is in the details.

— Today is a 5 — Romance stirs your heart over the next few days. Get creative to express how you feel. Dress with extra care. Relax and bond with people you admire. Write love letters.

— Today is a 5 — Home and family demand more attention today and tomorrow. Plan a project to improve your environment. Express your love in the details. Tend your garden with care.

— Today is a 7 — Remain open despite shifting circumstances. Prepare to jump for an opportunity. Your team is hot, and you’re learning like wild. Discover what needs to change. You are opening up and emerging from your cocoon.

— Today is a 7 — Great abundance can be yours, over the next few days. Your self esteem gets a boost (along with your wallet). Follow a profitable hunch. Walk around the block to gain perspective.

— Today is an 8 — Prepare for two days in the spotlight. Dress nicely and tidy up a little extra. Use your skills and confidence to help someone. Your good work comes back to benefit you.

— Today is a 5 — Your dreams feel far seeing. Take extra time to meditate, get an inward perspective and review over the next two days. Don’t ignore your deadlines. Work faster and earn more. Contemplate your next move.
(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and