Today’s Birthday (05/29/16).
Buzz around your hive this year. Home and family matters take priority. Nurture partnership and teamwork. Renovations or additions over late summer launch a two-year phase in family, fun and passion. New professional opportunities over this autumn spark alight with winter conversations. Together, make some honey.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is a 5 — You may feel pressured. Let family know if plans change. Clarify your direction with friends. Take time for peaceful reflection. Get quiet and slow down. An intensely creative moment flowers naturally.

— Today is a 5 — Keep practicing. Work together with someone who sees where you are blind. Friends have your back. Notice what’s not working. A female brings harmony to a controversy. Gently and patiently proceed.

— Today is a 5 — Get productive behind closed doors. Arguments and distractions can spark when least expected. Study for the test, and keep or change your promises. Write down your dreams.

— Today is a 5 — Travel well-worn paths. Navigate the high road, and avoid stirring up a fuss. Find what you’re looking for between the pages of a book. Sidestep a controversy involving love and money. Drop excess baggage.

— Today is a 5 — Don’t offer to pay for everything. Keep expenses to a minimum, and track them to avoid error. Collaborate with your partner to grow income. Work may interfere with play. Try and try again.

— Today is a 5 — Slow and easy does it. Get organized and consult a good strategist. You don’t have to do it all. Delegate! Minimize risks. Keep your credit cards locked up. Let romance simmer.

— Today is a 5 — Practice compassion and kindness, especially when things seem rough. Find strength in silence, and in observation of the natural world. Illusions fog your view. Don’t rush into anything. Talk about your dreams.

— Today is a 6 — Things are not as they seem. Stick to tried and trusted techniques. Protect vulnerabilities. Watch for changes and adapt in real time. Postpone unnecessary expense. Old assumptions get challenged. Wait and see.

— Today is a 5 — There’s a possible conflict between fun and chores. A deadline could infringe upon your family time. Delegate the tasks you can, and hide out, if necessary. Finish as soon as possible.

— Today is a 5 — Settle into your castle. Avoid traffic and accidents by handling work from close to home. Sort, file and organize. Clear out clutter. Prepare your place for upcoming events. Cook meals and save.

— Today is a 5 — Keep your communications gentle. There’s more that you don’t know, than what’s been revealed so far. Keep tabs on current events, and share what you’re finding out, with sensitivity.

— Today is a 5 — There may be a temporary clash between love and money. Don’t fall for a trick or deplete resources. Take time for spiritual reflection and heart-felt conversations. Reconsider an old belief or assumption. Notice dreams.