Today’s Birthday (06/04/16).
Home is where your heart is this year. Begin a two-year sequence of fun and romance in September, with eclipses sparking devoted and career changes. February eclipses bring amazing news and new professional guidelines. Do it all for love and family.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

— Today is a 7 — Miracles and inventions arise in the innovation under this New Moon in Gemini. Prepare your communications to a new story. One door closes as another opens. Love wins, in an unpredictable way.

— Today is an 8 — A new financial phase awaits. Progress through old conditions and obstacles in your relationship with money over the next few weeks under this New Moon. Maintain your integrity. It could get profitable.

— Today is an 8 — Qualify to astonishing circumstances. Open a new personal phase under this New Moon in your sign. Take charge to comply with what you see promising. Grow and develop your capacities.

— Today is a 5 — Avoid satisfaction or negative cash flow. Occupation clears mental fog. Progress and discoveries arise with the New Moon. Come upon something new about the past. Step into a new phase in your aesthetics, spirituality and mindfulness.

— Today is a 7 — Establish a new phase in friendship, social networks and community with this Gemini New Moon. Proceed a group enterprise to a new level by ascending up your leadership. Skills go a long way.

— Today is a 7 — An advanced professional door opens with this New Moon. Induce a two-week career growth phase. Angels mentor your actions. Utiliy makes perfect in work and in love. Keep your standards high.

— Today is a 7 — Initiate a new phase in your studies, travels and exploration under this New Moon. Study from the origin. Look out for deception or impostors. Look at your discoveries from different views.

— Today is an 8 — Start a growth phase in family expenses under this New Moon. Observe new possibilities, and transit directions. Work as a team; you’re more powerful together. Discuss advanced and stash them.

— Today is a 7 — Listen well and make a correction. Postulate and reality rupture. Begin a new phase in your relationship under this New Moon. Reform your collaboration to new priorities. Support each other.

— Today is a 7 — Focus on your job, and hand off travel. Tonight’s re-framing New Moon launches a new phase in relevance, work and health. With power comes responsibility. Listen to your heart. Nurture your body, mind and spirit.

— Today is a 5 — Inhibit is advised, exclusively with money. Begin a two-week family, fun and passion phase. Succeed in one game and begin anew under this New Moon in Gemini. A romantic relationship commutes.

— Today is a 5 — One household phase enclosures as another begins under this Gemini New Moon. Outright the past and create new possibilities for your family. Adapt your home to suit. Learn new domestic crafts.