Today’s Birthday (06/27/16)
Use your golden tongue to speak out for what you want this year. Creativity flourishes. Take on a bigger game. Autumn brings a two-year domestic cycle, and your communications and networking reveal a new educational road. Financial conundrums this winter lead to an amazing exploration. Share your love and gratitude.

Tap another income source. The next two days are good for business. Make sure you can pay expenses. Duty calls; answer without stressing. Maintain an easy rhythm. Your ideas are attracting attention.

Get different perspectives from friends before making a personal decision. You have the energy to go for a prize over the next two days. Get help building your dream.

Balance emotional and practical needs today and tomorrow. Finish projects and put stuff away. Wash and beautify. Review lessons from the past. Sell an idea. Consider your spiritual path. Use your wisdom.

Contribute to a community cause. Participate together to fulfill a shared commitment over the next two days. Pass along what you’re learning. Work out budget details in committee. Maintain harmony.

Associates let you know about a business opportunity. The next two days are good for decisions, examinations and applications. Do the best you can. Avoid silly mistakes and controversies. Humility is a virtue.

Academic and physical exploration capture your imagination today and tomorrow. Free your imagination. Crazy dreams seem possible. Friends help you make an important connection. Reach out and touch someone.

Study ways to make and keep money. For the next two days, handle financial matters with your partner. Avoid new debt. An important person is impressed by your work. Accept a creative assignment.

Be receptive to your partner’s ideas over the next few days. Craft your strategy together and wait for developments. A puzzle piece arrives from afar. Romance sparks when you listen to each other.

Focus on your work today and tomorrow. Demand for your attention is on the rise (even if undesired). Make shrewd decisions. Share the load, but hold onto the responsibility.

Keep costs down by having people over instead of going out. Enjoy time with your sweetheart over the next few days. Frugality serves you well. Moderate your desires. Simplicity satisfies.

Family comes first today and tomorrow. Perfect your environment. Inventiveness, creativity and inspiration come easy. Consult an expert for the tricky stuff. Avoid buying things you don’t need. Get your junk appraised.

Study and explore for the next two days. Interview someone with a higher level of mastery to learn secret tricks. Savor a beautiful moment. Strike out in a new direction.